Monday, June 16, 2014

USS Alabama

USS Alabama - Mobile, Alabama
A World War II Battleship that served in the South Pacific Theater.  
 I love touring on old battleships.  My grandfather was on the USS Princeton during the Pacific Theater and it was attacked by the Japanese.  He survived the event, earned a Purple Heart but refused to discuss it so I never knew his stories.

 He who is my better half in life and a retired Navy Nuke Submariner Man.  His face lights up every time we take a tour of a Battleship or Sub.  It also gives him the opportunity to teach and explain things to me.  He also indulges all my whims to touch everything, turn all dials, push all buttons, climb into all crooks and just pretend.

The Kitchen
 The Bunks
The Brig
 The is important to be clean shaven
 Keep your Gig Line straight, sailor
 One of the ships flags.
 The Men who served on this great ship

 Engine Room

 I'm about 5 foot nothing and these missiles were taller than me
 Let us pray in the tiny chapel.

The Museum is quite impressive.  Especially the A-12

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