Monday, June 23, 2014

Oak Alley Plantation - New Orleans

 Oak Alley Plantation

 One of the larger plantations along the River Road in Louisiana

 Pictures were allowed in some of the rooms.  Some of the furniture belonged to the family and some were period pieces. 
 These portiers reminded me of the ones in Gone With The Wind.  They are green velvet with gold cords that Scarlet pulled off the wall and made her famous green dress to go to Atlanta
 Love this candle stick.  A "Courting Candle" If a young man is courting a young lady, and the father approved of the young man, the father could twist the candle into a high position and give the couple more time to visit.  If the father disapproved, he would twist the candle lower and once it burned down to the first rung, the gentleman's time is up.  

 A picture of the slave quarters from the 1850's
 As the slave quarters appear today.  

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