Monday, June 23, 2014

Evergreen Plantation - New Orleans

 Evergreen Plantation was constructed in 1790 but then renovated to its Greek Revival style in 1832.  These plantations sit on the banks of the Mississippi River and therefore, nearly all of them were built upon brick stilts.  After the 1929 flood, the Army Corp of Engineers built the levee system on the river banks (obstructing the homeowners view) but protecting the homes from future floods.  Most plantations along the River Road have since walled in the bottom area and turning into living or storage space.
 Evergreen Plantation was used to film many scenes of the movie Django
 Kitchen Outbuilding
 Spiraling Staircase

 Garden view from the upstairs.  You're looking at the privy in the background

 The only pictures allowed were of the kitchen area

 Evergreen Plantation has the largest amount of outbuildings still standing, about 37, with 22 of those being the original slave quarters.  We were unable to go inside them

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