Saturday, November 6, 2010

2nd Bank of United States Portrait Gallery

The Second Bank of the United States which is now a Portrait Gallery for Charles Wilson Peale, the famous painter of the Founding Era. Hundreds of his portraits were found in the attic of the Bank, they are now on display and phenomenal.

As you enter, Washington greets you.


John Adams - Massachusetts. Ambassador to England, France, Netherlands. 2nd President

Thomas Jefferson - Virginia, writer of the Declaration of Independence, Ambassador to France, 3rd President

Thomas Paine who wrote Common Sense. The most influential pamphlet of its time, convincing the colonists that it just makes "common sense" to declare independence

Patrick Henry - Virginia "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death"

John Marshall - Virginia. Aide to Washington during Revolution. Federalist and most important Supreme Court Justice in US history. He served 30 years during the Founding Era.

Alexander Hamilton. Aide to Washington during Revolution. First Secretary of the Treasury. Creator of America's banking and monetary system. Capitalism as we know today is credited to Hamilton. He was killed in a duel, 1804, by Jefferson's Vice President Aaron Burr. Burr was never charged.

James Madison - Virginia. Father and creator of the Constitution. 4th President.

John Paul Jones, Commander of the Navy during the Revolution.

A self portrait of the painter himself, Charles Wilson Peale

Hundreds of Peale's paintings that were found in an attic

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