Thursday, July 10, 2014

Peter Wentz Farm

Peter and Rosanna Wentz came from the Palatinate areas of now Germany in the 1740's.  He was a man of considerable wealth and bought a large piece of land upon his arrival outside of Philadelphia.  This area drew thousands of families from German, Switzerland and Austria during the 1700's who wanted to escape the political and religious turmoil that raged within that region.  Today, the area still has a very large German, Amish, Mennonite, Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch) and Schwenkfelder population.  
During the American Revolution, this area endured quite a few battles and General Washington used this property as his headquarters in October of 1777.  The house remains pretty much the same as it did during Washington's visit but many of the outbuildings have been reconstructed. 
In 1784 Peter Wentz sold the proper to Schwendfelder minister Reverend Melchior Schultz and the Schultz descendants continued to farm and occupy the property until 1969 when the County of Montgomery purchased it for posterity.  

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