Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hessian Barracks - Trenton NJ

The Old Barracks in Trenton, NJ was built prior 1750's and quarter British and Irish troops during the French and Indian War. During the American Revolution it housed several hundred Hessian soldiers. During the 1800's it was turned into small living quarters for Widows and Orphans and fell into disrepair.  In 1902 the local Daughters of the American Revolution (which I am a member of) began the efforts to save the building and turn it in to a museum.  
In the 1970's it became listed on the National Historic Registry and went through some archaeological
digs and updates.  The interpreters were wonderful!   

They lined us up like soldiers and we had to perform drills.  It was 97 degrees this day.  

Incredible re-enactor who portrayed an imprisoned British Loyalist who was chained to his shovel and had to dig graves.  

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