An original map of the Ohio valley area before the war. This area would have been part of the Northwest Territory of 1787
The fort is criss crossed with many traverses, which are earthen mounds that have bunkers below them. They store supplies and help protect the men during bombardments.
Cannon aimed at Maumee River to stop invaders
A scale model of what the site would have looked like in the day. Many soldiers developed diseases such as typhoid due to dirty and unsanitary conditions. The site today looks pretty with all its lush green grass, however, grass would not have been there during the war.
The monument to the war, the site and the fallen
Notice the forks, they are two tine.
Grape shots and small cannon fire that have been recovered from the site during archealogical digs.
A reenactor of the war. I spent some time talking to him about his clothing, weaponry, daily life. He has been working here for over a decade now and makes his own clothing, utensils, fire power. The picture below shows him at work in his barrack doing daily chores.
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