Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Civil War

Cody, Wyoming

Yellowstone Motorcycle Trip

Biking into the Yellowstone
The Landscape and mountains are indescribable and beyond words. The pictures will not do it justice

Mounains and Mooses


Dry and no snow

From Valleys to Snow Caps in just a few minutes! The higher you climb the more the snow.

Me!! In full leathers and end of June!!! One minute it is 30 and the valley was 80

Monday, October 26, 2009

Yellowstone National Park

A Sulphur Lake

The Nez Perce Indian Trail as they tried to escape the American Soldiers

A Moose, only one. If there were two is it a Meese?

Snow caps in end of June

One of the only Gas Stations and stops in the park

Lots of Bison, Buffalo

Dead Indian Pass, where the Nez Perce Indians were chased by American soldiers, shot and killed then thrown over the mountains

Another shot of Dead Indian Pass

Rain clouds out of the blue

Flooded rivers and thawing snow

And the snow deepens and temps dips

Thawed rivers

Rock slides

The wildlife has right of way


Yellowstone was not only the most amazing Motorcycle trip (and I only had 36 hours) but it was the most amazing place I had ever been and I burned 11 rolls of old fashioned camera films, this was before digital cameras! You cannot see the entire park in 36 hours nor will these few pictures ever do the place justice.